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Dating - Fun or Fright Night?

Hi Everyone,

Before Internet Dating came into existence, it was done the old fashion way. You met a person, in person at a designated location. Most of the time the only description you had of the person you were meeting was the one he (or she) gave you over the phone or if you were lucky, you were shown a photo of the person before the meeting.

In those days, during a date you could tell if you need to wear flats shoes or heels on the next date, if their smile draws you in closer, the texture of his hair, if his cologne excites you, and he has a cool swag when he walks.

Laurie, (Ashley's best friend in the book 'How To Recycle Husbands Every 10 Years') sets Ashley up to discretely meet two divorced friends of her husband (Don) at her barbecue. Laurie is comfortable with her knowledge of Ashley's taste in men and confident she will have a physical attraction for Connor and Neal. But will it be Fun for Ashley or Fright Night?

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